
Barbara Waugh Properties

Maps & Links

Cuernavaca is located about 50 miles south of Mexico city. This equates to one hour and ten minutes from the Mexico City international airport (depending on traffic, of course) and 45 minutes from the major shopping mall on the south side of Mexico City.

Cuernavaca is over 5,000 feet above sea level and as such enjoys an average temperature year-round of about 78 degrees. Rainfall is generally limited to early to mid summer months, with fall through spring having spectacularly good weather with little chance of rain.

If you want to spend time at the beach, Acapulco is only two and a half hours by car on an excellent toll road that is four lanes, extremely easy to navigate even for non-Spanish speakers and totally safe.

Useful Links for Mexico
Mexican Yellow Pages
Planeta – This is a travel site dedicated to Mexico and Latin America.
Mexicanwave – Europe’s Gateway to Mexico
MexconnectMexconnect – This is a great site for foreigners living and working in Mexico
Travelocity – Book all travel needs online!
Are you the owner of a business in Mexico that exports to the United States and/or Canada? Does that business need cash flow financing for these exports? If you need help, please visit Riviera Finance – Mexico, a commercial finance company that specializes in helping Mexican exporters get financing for their business.